How to increase your following on Instagram

instagram blog,instagram business,digital marketing, By George Digital Australia
Beautiful photos and captions are not enough as you also need something more to add to your followers on Instagram.

Instagram is a wonderful social media platform that relies on visual content to catch the attention of people. It has more than 500 million active users who spend a lot of time on this platform every day. If you are on Instagram and have a desire to increase the engagement and the number of your followers, here are some simple but highly effective ways to achieve your goal.

Make use of interesting hashtags

Your goal is to develop a huge fan following on Instagram. For this, you use beautiful photos and interesting stories to establish a style and brand that engages with your followers. To catch the attention of more people, you need to hashtag your photos to make it easier for people to find them when they are using similar search terms. Some of the most popular hashtags used on Instagram are #love, #fashion, #photooftheday, #beautiful, #picoftheday, #followme, #art, #selfie, and #nature. Use hashtags that are popular and also describe your brand effectively.

Start participating in popular conversations

One way of being recognised on Instagram is to comment on super popular and trending hashtags. This will help you to get in front of the influencers on Instagram. Instagram is a huge platform and those who make a lot of noise find it easy to catch the attention of other people. 

Describe your photos in an interesting manner

Your photos may be very beautiful but unless you have a story to tell along with them, they are not going to create the kind of buzz you are expecting. You need words to describe your photos. These words should be powerful enough to encourage engagement and sharing from your followers. One good example of storytelling is National Geographic that has no less than 50 million followers on Instagram.

Post it at just the right moment

Timing of posts on Instagram is of crucial importance. You can use the best hashtags and the appropriate filters, but your posts will not create the buzz until you choose the appropriate time for them. By analysing the response of your followers to your earlier posts, you know the best time of the day and the day of the week to make a post on Instagram. Try to find out the days and the times when your target group of followers is most active on Instagram. In this way, you will be able to generate the kind of interest among followers that you are desirous of. Consistent social media engagement is a time-consuming process. We can set up a regular social media campaign for you. If you need help visit us at for a FREE consultation.